Jelenlegi hely

Legal statement

The original copies of the documents from Modena are kept by the State Archives of Modena (ASMo), which has contributed to the display of the digital version of the material on the ​​website.

The part of this virtual exhibition presenting the documents from Modena is based on the agreement of the Hungarian National Archives and the State Archives of Modena in 2021 and the latter's consent of protocol No. ASMo  555A/2022.

Downloading of the image files is not allowed. If you want to download or use them in a publication, you should contact the State Archives of Modena by filling in the form available at the following link:

and sending it to the address.


The original copies of the documents from Mantova are kept by the State Archives of Mantova (ASMn), which has contributed to the display of the digital version of the material on the ​​website.

The part of this virtual exhibition presenting the documents from Mantova is based on the agreement of the Hungarian National Archives and the State Archives of Mantova in 2022 and the latter's consent of protocol No. ASMn 600/2022.

The download of the image files is not allowed. If you want to download or use them in a publication, you should contact the State Archives of Mantova on the following address:


Part of the original copies of the documents from Milan are kept by the State Archives of Milan (ASMi), which has contributed to the display of the digital version of the material on the ​​website.

The part of this virtual exhibition presenting the documents from Milan is based on the agreement of the Hungarian National Archives and the State Archives of Milan in 2020 and the latter's consent of protocol No. ASMi 828/2022.

Downloading of the image files is not allowed. If you want to download or use them in a publication, you should contact the State Archives of Milan by filling in the form available at the following link:

and sending it to the address.


Part of the original copies of the documents from Milan are kept by the Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan (BAMi), which has contributed to the display of the digital version of the material on the ​​website.

The part of this virtual exhibition presenting the documents from Milan is based on the agreement of the Hungarian National Archives and the Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan in 2021.

The download of the image files is not allowed. If you want to download or use them in a publication, you should contact the Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan by filling the form on the following link:

PDF icon legal_statement_english.pdf