a.) Complaint on the circumvention of the Jewish Laws - 8 May, 1944
The letter written by a photographer and studio owner to the mayor of Kiskunfélegyháza draws the attention to a woman and her daughter being in the same profession owning a studio working with a Christian man allegedly being there as their "strohmann" (literally strawman) planning to declare that the studio is in his own property. The letter-writer emphasizes that as far as he knows „it is not yet possible to lay claims for Jewish shops” and it would not be right to allow strawmen to seize business-premises of „their own Jews.”
MNL BKML V. 175. b Kiskunfélegyháza Város Polgármesteri Hivatalának iratai. Közigazgatási iratok. 12 355/1944.
b.) Banning Jews from health spas - 29 March, 1944
MNL BKML V. 175. b Kiskunfélegyháza Város Polgármesteri Hivatalának iratai. Közigazgatási iratok. 10 558/1944.
c.) Moral check of Jewish special forced laborers - 22 November, 1940
This confidential letter addressed to the magistrates of the villages of the Kiskunfélegyháza district aims at keeping Jewish men away from Christian women they meet during their forced labor service.
MNL BKML V. 386. Újkécske nagyközség iratai. 66 eln./1940.
a.) Application for exemption from the second anti-Jewish law (Act IV of 1939) of Mary Fried who converted to Christianity in 1929 - 8 January, 1940
Her application was rejected.
MNL BaML IV. 1406. c) Pécs Város Polgármesteri Hivatalának iratai A-1847-1940. Pécs, 1940. január 8.
b.) Appeal of Mrs. Péter Váron against the rejection of her request for market trading licence - 15 May, 1941
The appellant is a widow who converted to Christianity in 1907. Her late husband – who had died in 1916 due to an illness which struck him in the frontline so was considered a hero - was Christian by birth along with their children.
The Royal IV. Army Corps Headquarters of Pécs did not give its consent to the issue of a license.
MNL BaML IV. 1422. b) Pécs város elsőfokú közigazgatási hatósága iratai 4094/1945. Pécs, 1941. május 15.
c.) Dániel Illés, a Somogy county wine wholesaler requests a wine cellar in Pécs - 20 July, 1942
In his request Dániel Illés appoints two wine cellars in Jewish property considered appropriate for his use emphasizing that it is in the interest of Pécs and the whole county as well to grant the cellar to a Christian wholesaler. He acquired the cellar and equipment of former wine wholesaler, Lajos Gottesmann for 4000 P.
MNL BaML IV. 1422. b) Pécs város elsőfokú közigazgatási hatósága iratai 2783/1945. Basal, 1942. július 20. Pécs, 1942. szeptember 25.
a.) Ministry of Finance counsellor, Lajos Zobel’s confidential letters to Rezsõ Fodor, Debrecen Hungarian royal finance director on the issue of alcoholic beverage licences – 3 December, 1940
In his letter the counsellor calls the addressee’s attention to the fact that in a lot of cases the former Jewish beverage sellers – whose licences were exterminated/eliminated in accordance with the II. Jewish Act (1939:IV) granting licences to Christians – remain involved in the business in the background. He suggests that the new applications should be thoroughly examined
MNL HBML VI. 101/a. 16. cs. 32/1941.
b.) A chart of verification of origin – 17 April, 1944
MNL HBML IV. B. 1406/b. 365. d. 22.177/1944.
c.) Enlistment of Dr. Imre Deák MD, a Jewish physician in a forced labor battalion – May-July, 1944
The exchange of letters hightlights the fact that the country faced with a shortage of doctors due to the removal of the Jewish employees. The mayor of Debrecen voices his doubts concerning the number of medical staff in the town and applies to the Ministry of Defence in this matter. The minister of defence declares that it is not in his power to send out another doctor in the area, but stresses that the situation will be settled by provisions to be made
MNL HBML IV. B. 1406/b. 365. d. 22.601/1944.
Name list of unreliable residents of Kál village – July, 1942
In accordance with the ordinance nr. 49/eln.942 of the chief constable of Kál the chief notary compiles the names of the unreliable residents with regard to state security reasons. The chief notary recommends each and every person to be enlisted in the special work battalion
MNL HML V.242.a. rsz. 20/1942. 1-2. p. 4-6. p.
Invitation to make claims for the allocation of Jewish estates to be converted to "vitéz" allotments – October-November, 1942
The invitation is adressed to those (or their bereaveds) who took part in the war and to whom a war decoration was awarded. One of the applications is presented by valiant Dezső Borhy, a reservist army captain
MNL JNSZML IX. 250. b. - Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Vármegye Vitézi Székének iratai, ingatlanokkal kapcsolatos iratok 1973/1942.)
a.) Provision banning local Jewish merchants from trading in local markets - 26 August, 1940
MNL PML V.1016 Cb. Budakeszi nagyközség iratai 1938-1948., 1940-1941., 11. d., 5105/1940.
b.) The Criminal Prosecution Office’s papers relating to crimes contradicting the Jewish laws
MNL PML V.1016 Cb. Budakeszi nagyközség iratai 1938-1948., 1940-1941., 11. d., 5105/1940.
Exemption of Lajos Lantos from Act IV. of 1939 (The II. Jewish Act) - June, 1942
VeML V. 173.b: 4816/1942
Complaint letter of the Schlesinger family of Kaposvár concerning the confiscation of their properties and industry plant – September, 1944
The complaint highlights the fact that while Act XV of 1942 ordained the hand over of the forestry and agricultural properties in their case a factory and its connected parts were confiscated. The notes on the file prove that the complaint was not taken into consideraton in the ministry.
MNl OL K184 Földművelődésügyi Minisztérium, Általános Iratok 1943-27-73714
a.) Request of the agriculture public school of Kapuvár for the employment of a Jewish servant –3 June, 1944
In that time the Jews of Kapuvár lived in a ghetto but the schoolmaster made it clear that – with the school being at a short distance to the ghetto - it was possible for the servant to return every night to the ghetto and also his separation at meals can be quaranteed.
IV.B.401. Sopron vármegye főispánjának iratai 430/1944.
b.) Civilians’ report to the prefect of Sopron enumerating complaints concerning Jewish issues of Beled village – 26 May, 1944
The report contains several pieces of information on Jews by name who, in an attempt to secure their livelihood, carried out activities forbidden by the Jewish Laws
IV.B.401. Sopron vármegye főispánjának iratai 390/1944.
a.) Limitation on the use of public baths by Jews in Esztergom - 16 May, 1944
Referring to the decree of the Ministry of the Interior, the visit of the Jews at the public baths was limited in 1944 in Esztergom as well. The mayor published the ordonnance issued by the sub-prefect of the county which contained the periods the Jews were allowed to use the steam bath and tubbing of the city declaring that the decree was made out "in order to defend the interests of public health." The public beach area and the male and female swimming pool could not be used by Jews at all.
The provision came into effect on 10 May 1944.
V.2. Esztergom szab.kir. megyei város Polgármesterének iratai 8271/1944. – MNL KEML
b.) The story of a pharmacist, Manó Schwarcz - May-June, 1944
The decree nr. 1610/1944. M. E. regulated the functioning of Jewish doctors and pharmacists. In May, 1944 five Jewish doctors and a Jewish pharmacist, Manó Schwartz, the owner of the Black Eagle Pharmacy practiced in Esztergom. Lajos Igaz, the sub-prefect of Esztergom County regulated or in fact banned the operation of said doctors and pharmacists in the territory of the county.
The mayor sent out the county resolution to these persons on 16 May, 1944 demanding a receipt of acknowledgement and at the same time entrusted a publisher, Gusztáv Martoni with the duty to check whether the pharmacy stopped operating. According to the report, the pharmacy did not cease to function and was open also on 26 May due to the fact that the owner had appealed against the decision.
On the 5 June, 1944 a train rolled out of Esztergom carrying the deportees among them Manó Schwarcz as well. He never returned.
Irat: V. 2. Esztergom szab.kir. megyei város Polgármesterének iratai 8272/1944. – MNL KEML
a.) Letter from the Szeged Medical District Chamber to the Prime Minister, dr. László Bardossy de Bárdos - 22 October, 1941
The letter contains harsh criticism towards the practice of Jewish doctors of Hungary suggesting that the Hungarian Parliament should have created a law allowing Jewish doctors to treat only Jewish patients. It is emphasized in the document that their suggestions were in the best interest of the Hungarian race considering the Jewish doctors as a part of a huge conspiracy seeking the demolition of the Hungarian nation. The Chamber was against also the number of Jews regarded by them as too high stressing the fact that the Numerus Clausus Act was not carried out carefully.
MNL OL K 150, 1 kútfő, 13. tétel 259/1943, 2804. csomó
b.) Statement of reasons of the decree of the Prime Minister nr 1900/1944 M.E. regarding the interval within a day Jews are permitted to do their shopping - 1 June, 1944
The statement gave a detailed reasoning on the necessity to determine only two hours in a particular part of the day pronouncing that any contacts between Jews and non-Jews should have been avoided
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MNL OL K 150 1 kútfő, 13. tétel, , 2804. csomó