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The Archives is headed by the Director General, who is personally liable for the operation of the institution. The Director General is commissioned and supervised by the Minister for Cultural Heritage in accordance with the effective provisions of law.

Scope of activities:
- representation of the Archives
- exercising the employer’s rights over the employees of the Archives
- providing the security of the operation of the institution
- supervising expedient use of institutional budgetary resources, funds and assets in accordance with the effective provisions of law
- overseeing the professional training of archival employees
- arranging the annual work schedule of the Archives and ensuring its accomplishment, reporting annually on the operation of the Archives to the maintainer
- managing the establishment and the development of international relations of the Archives
- providing the terms of operation of business federation organs and the Council of Civil Servants in accordance with the provisions of law
- supervising the operation of the Library (XI.), the Finance Office (XII.), the Secretariat of the Director General and the High Commissioner for Security
- functioning as chairman of the College of Archives (Ministry of Cultural Heritage) and providing the operation of the College