Section "C" - Archives of the Locotenential Council (Helytartótanács / Ungarischen Statthalterei)
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The task of the Locotenential Council, which operated between 1724 and 1848, was to execute the decrees of the sovereign and the Chancellery. Except Transylvania and the frontier defence districts, its competence included the public administration of the entire territory of Hungary, Croatia, and, from 1778, the Banat of Timisoara. With the exception of financial and defense matters the Council acted as the professional supervisory authority of the branches of economic and social administration: education, health, migration, trade, industry, administrative organization and control, religious, ecclesiastical matters, culture, economy, taxation, jewish affairs etc.
It consists of two main parts: the documents created during the activities of the Council and the documents created during the work of its subordinate organs. The first major group divided into three major parts: the formal and material holdings, and department related sub-fonds. Most of the research is placed in the material (1724-1780) and department related (1783-1848) sub-fonds. To both of these holdings usable contemporary indexes and manuscript lists are available on microfilm.Documents from 1780 to 1783 are organized and researchable by the name of the rapporteur (not by the subject). Some of the inventories and indexed fonds are accessable via earchivum, our online database together with the database for gentility research.
Language: mostly German and Latin before 1844, then Hungarian
Finding Aids: Descriptive inventory, manuscript lists and indexes, computer database for the documents of guilds.