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Supplementary sources

Of course, besides parish registers, mainly as supplementary material, researchers can also use other sources, e.g. national, county and local census returns, as well as lists of taxation and church-rates (tithe, Regesta Decimarum), terriers, copyhold tables, annexes of reports on canonical visitations (Visitationes canonicae), i.e. the Conscriptiones animariums (census of souls), (military) recruitment lists, school registers and almanacs etc. In order to advance the processing and researching of the reports on canonical visitations, the National Archives of Hungary has released a publication fostering the work of church historians, but its special Latin terminology, the instances and interpretations of the translated texts may provide useful information also for genealogists using the related sources. (Segédanyag az egyházlátogatási jegyzőkönyvek feldolgozásához. [Auxiliary material to the research of reports on canonical visitations.] Ed. by Klára Dóka. National Archives of Hungary, Budapest, 1993.)

By means of these sources it is not possible to trace the continuity of generations, but sometimes they may have significant role in filling gaps. At this stage, mention must be made of the Historia domus, a record kept in parish-churches and chaplaincies. These records may serve with much information about the history of a town or village, as well as the life of the believers and the whole population. For example about the construction of the church and the school, the starting date of registration, succursal churches, settlements or relocations, revolutions and wars, epidemics, floods and fires, weather etc., and all kinds of influences which could affect demography. Rarely, earlier registers contain such data and remarks.

Publishing local history monographs became popular at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays even villages and hamlets release such works. They also often include helpful genealogical information.

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